Built by You. Supported by Us. Powered by WordPress. What does “self-serve” mean? Web.unc.edu is ‘self-serve’ meaning we are here to provide both the resources to help you learn how to use web.unc.edu and the building blocks to develop a web.unc.edu site but leave it to you to actually develop one. We work to offer a variety of safe,… Read more »
Create a Custom Full Length Footer
Note: This is using the UNC Department Theme. Activate both the Improved Simpler Plugin. If you do not know how to activate a plugin, please follow these instructions. Navigate to Appearance>Widgets and drag the Text Widget to the Footer Center Sidebar on the right handside using the Text widget. Add the desired content for your footer. We suggest… Read more »
Display Sub-Forum List using Custom CSS
If you have multiple forums on your site and would like to display a list of the forums on a page, please follow the steps bellow. Note: Understanding of CSS and shortcodes needed. This custom CSS was added in the Department theme. Depending on your theme, more changes may need to be made to your… Read more »
Adding a Custom Background Image to the UNC Department Theme
Note: These are for users using the UNC Department theme. Activate the Improved Simpler Plugin. If you do not know how to activate a plugin, please follow these instructions. Upload the image you want to be your background by going to Media>Add New. Copy the file URL. Navigate to Appearance>Custom CSS. Paste the following CSS… Read more »
Edit the CSS of ANY site on Web.unc.edu with Improved Simpler CSS Plugin
You now have the ability to edit the CSS on ANY theme on the web.unc.edu network. With this plugin, you can change things like how the footer appears, whether or not the author of a post shows up, the color of the font of a header, etc. Anything that can be changed with CSS, can… Read more »