Web and Theme Customization Resources

Built by You. Supported by Us. Powered by WordPress.   What does “self-serve” mean? Web.unc.edu is ‘self-serve’ meaning we are here to provide both the resources to help you learn how to use web.unc.edu and the building blocks to develop a web.unc.edu site but leave it to you to actually develop one. We work to offer a variety of safe,… Read more »

Create a Custom Full Length Footer

Note: This is using the UNC Department Theme. Activate both the Improved Simpler Plugin. If you do not know how to activate a plugin, please follow these instructions. Navigate to Appearance>Widgets  and drag the Text Widget to the Footer Center Sidebar on the right handside using the Text widget. Add the desired content for your footer. We suggest… Read more »

Display Sub-Forum List using Custom CSS

If you have multiple forums on your site and would like to display a list of the forums on a page, please follow the steps bellow. Note: Understanding of CSS and shortcodes needed. This custom CSS was added in the Department theme. Depending on your theme, more changes may need to be made to your… Read more »

Adding a Custom Background Image to the UNC Department Theme

Note: These are for users using the UNC Department theme. Activate the Improved Simpler Plugin. If you do not know how to activate a plugin, please follow these instructions. Upload the image you want to be your background by going to Media>Add New.  Copy the file URL. Navigate to Appearance>Custom CSS. Paste the following CSS… Read more »